Pasión Coffee was born in 2018, with the desire to promote the consumption of specialty coffees and to teach people the differences between a commercial coffee and a specialty coffee. That was how, with our first pounds of coffee, we started our project, which eventually sought to create a specialty coffee shop based on sensory experiences. In 2019, we were winners of the Innova Social para la Paz project of the Governor's Office of Risaralda, for our value proposition, which we preserve to this day, which consists of creating a fair and direct trade with our coffee producers, generating greater economic benefits for them and ensuring that the most important link in the production chain continues to believe in their work. In the year 2022, we were winners of the Fondo Emprender call for proposals; with the resources obtained, we were able to develop our coffee shop. At the beginning of this year, we were reimbursed by the Fondo Emprender for the good performance of the project. Today, we are dedicated to showing people, not only locals, but also visitors, the importance of bringing to our table a good coffee, telling them where it comes from and from which producer. Today we want, with the Made in Risaralda brand, to be able to reach more people in the world, who will surely feel proud of a product of the department.