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The idea of Vinos Valverde was born in different stages of my life, driven by the desire to generate something new and have my own business. I have always been attracted to the food and beverage sector, as they are products of high rotation and constant consumption. In addition, I have always been interested in fruits, especially in regions where I have lived, such as Valle del Cauca, Caldas and Risaralda, where I have observed the difficulties faced by small producers to market their fruits.

In one of those stages, a family friend grew lulo, but, due to low market prices, he let his crop go to waste. The same happened with a friend who grew lemons. This situation led me to think about creating a product that would take advantage of this shortage. I considered making pulp and marmalades, but they spoil quickly and were not innovative. One day, reading about fruit wines, I discovered that wines could be made from any fruit. I started researching and experimented with a lemon wine, but my first attempt was a failure. However, I kept researching and found an expert who taught me how to make artisanal fruit wines.

I started experimenting with fruits such as tangerine, orange, lemon, passion fruit and pineapple. Initially, I didn't want to try grapes because it was a typical wine, but I discovered that commercial grape wines have a lot of artificial additives. I decided to make a natural wine and tried four flavors. Convinced of the quality of the product, I set up a laboratory at home and produced the first liters of each flavor. In December 2021, we produced our first 80 bottles, which we sold quickly. We reinvested the profits in new inputs and increased production.

In 2022, we participated in fairs and events, validating the market and obtaining positive feedback. In 2023, our sales improved, we registered our trademark and began adapting our factory in Santa Rosa de Cabal to comply with INVIMA regulations. Currently, we have a certified factory with a sanitary concept from INVIMA and we continue working to obtain sanitary registrations. We continue to improve our social networks, processes and marketing, participating in fairs and seeking alliances with small producers. Despite the challenges, we are focused on moving forward with this project and becoming the first fruit wine factory in the region.




Carrera 13 numero 19-67 santa rosa de cabal



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